Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Finished Yoga Mat Bag!

I tackled the Yoga Mat Bag!

The pattern is really great and easy even for a beginner (or so I thought). I enjoyed cutting my materials and when I completed the strap, I thought "this is going to be easy!" But apparently I chose a fabric that was pretty thick and by the time the bag, and the pocket and then the strap all started coming together, I was having a hard time getting that thick material in my machine.

I switched to my thickest needle (the one I use for the last step of the slings) and that made it better. But I decided I am not going to choose a material this thick next time. Next time, I am going with something lightweight to medium and lining it with interfacing.

All in all, the bag is really nice for my first try. Although, to be critical of myself, I wasn't pleased with how the strap inserts into the top. I know it will be better the next time.

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