Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sewing Machine Cover

Well, after we "sewing room" moved down to the basement in the corner of the TV room. Luckily, the room is large and there is a little nook in the corner for me to put my sewing desk and craft/cutting table. However, I either have to cover my machine or put it away after *every* use because of a rascally little 2 year old who likes to push buttons.

So I decided to take the plunge into sewing a cover for my machine. After measuring the machine, I decided to modify the pattern a bit. This was my first time trying to modify a patter and I only had to re-cut twice. After all the modifying, I finally got all the right pieces cut out. Then I realized that I was supposed to use fusible fleece....which is not what I bought and just cut out. I decided to go for it anyway and just be careful!

After I got the whole thing sewn....I put it over my machine...and it's about 2 inches too TALL. OH No! Well, you can't tell from the pictures that I messed it up. The first picture shows it as I just tucked that little extra bit under and placed it over my machine. At least it works. It keeps the mini-fingers away from "buttons! push buttons!!" The last picture shows it full-size...pretty tall!

Now for my 7 year olds mini-sewing machine.....
Do I make a matching cover? Do I dare try to modify that pattern to be smaller? Hmm...maybe for now we'll just have to put that one up after using.

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